Spider Be Gone: Expert Tips For Effective Spider Control For Your Pasadena Home

spider in a web by a white wall

Spiders have a reputation for being dangerous and fear-inducing. But whether you're afraid of spiders or just don't enjoy seeing them in and around your home, knowing how to keep them from building webs on your property is essential. With professional spider control in Pasadena, MD and a bit of work, you'll easily keep your home spider-free. But before starting your mitigation efforts, you need to know the basics of what draws spiders to your home.

Spider Identification: How To Recognize Different Species

There are many different types of spiders in and around Maryland, and the types you have on your property can influence what you'll need to do to get rid of them for good. These are a few species you need to be aware of and how you can identify each one:

  • Black widow spiders are deep black and have a telltale red hourglass shape on the underside of their abdomens. They're often shiny and spin irregular webs near ground level.
  • Cellar spiders are pale yellow to light brown or gray and have small bodies with long, skinny legs. They prefer dark and damp environments like basements, bathrooms, and garages.
  • House spiders are yellowish brown with an off-white striped abdomen. You'll usually find them in the upper corners of rooms, under furniture, and in basements, crawl spaces, and closets. These tiny spiders are the most common across the country.
  • Wolf spiders are dark brown and often have pale or yellow markings. Their bodies are hairy, and they have long, spiny legs.

Finding any of these spiders in your home can be alarming, but your pest control team can help keep them from becoming a major problem.

Symptoms Of Spider Bites: What To Expect And How To Treat

Almost all spiders can bite, but that doesn't mean they will. Most species only bite when threatened or handled roughly. But the more spiders you have in your house, the greater the risk of a bite.

In most cases, spider bites are relatively harmless. Most individuals will experience pain at the site of the injury, but the reaction may be more severe for those with sensitivities to certain venom. Reactions can include swelling, intense pain, and nausea.

If you think you have a spider infestation in your home, try to avoid touching the spiders when possible and schedule professional treatment as soon as possible.

Spider-Proofing Tips: Protecting Your Home And Family

Though there's no way to guarantee that your home will stay spider-free, even after treatment, you can do a few things to keep your home safer. Here are a few key spider prevention tips to help:

  • Keep your home clean and pick up clutter regularly.
  • Fix cracks and crevices around your home's exterior to keep spiders out.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and keep it on a raised platform.
  • Stay on top of routine pest control treatments to reduce attractants.

These tips will help keep spiders out of your house throughout the year, but they're no substitute for professional treatments. You'll still want to schedule regular pest control appointments to keep your home safe and help you get rid of spiders around the house.

Professional Spider Control: When To Call In The Experts

The best way to deal with any type of spider is to schedule an appointment with your trusted pest control company. At Accutech Pest Management, our Pasadena home pest control experts will help keep your home spider-free throughout the year. If you notice even a single spider in your home, contact us to schedule an appointment.

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